ChiropractorsMassage Therapy
Mon – Fri: 9:00 – 18:00
Sat & Sun – Closed
About Us
Over 30 Years of Observing Human Movement, Specializing in Assessment, Analyzing and Training for Rotational Strength and Efficient Movement
Greg Bosch is a licensed Professional Massage Therapist (SC #2309) and Personal Trainer with American Fitness Professionals and Associates (87273) (AFPA.) He is a graduate of the Florida School of Massage where he received his initial training in 1991. Having a passion for the human anatomy and body movement, he spent over a decade studying directly under world-renowned Kinesiologist Aaron Mattes. Mr. Mattes taught him Activated Isolated Stretching and Strengthening Techniques. He also introduced Greg to the G2 Max Hip and Knee Machine and the vertical pulley system. Using constant resistance through full range of motion as well terminal flicks (small short movements between prime movers and stabilizers) which uses our innovative training concept of “No Neurological Downtime” Greg is now manufacturing this equipment with Bosch Activation LLC, formerly known as Gow Trainer Ltd.
For over thirty years, Greg has been using and adapting various techniques to meet individual client needs. Now Bosch Activation LLC will be offering various training courses on our equipment for physical therapists, chiropractors, athletic trainers, personal trainers and massage therapists.